Manuel José  Carvajal Thumbnail

Manuel José Carvajal

Board Director
Carvajal Foundation
Manuel José studied Business Administration and Printing Technologies in the United States. He worked at Carvajal S.A from 1978 to 1998, where he held various positions in areas of manufacturing, human development and TQM. Between 1998 and 2000 he worked at the ICESI University as director of the Competitiveness Center and while there he promoted and participated in Destino Colombia, a scenario planning exercise for the country. Between 2000 and 2002, he started and directed Planeta Valle, an NGO created to coordinate efforts in the public, business and academic sectors. In 2001 Carvajal S.A. was reintegrated. as President of the Board of Directors of the packaging sector, and later chairs the Board of Editorial Norma and in 2009 he started the VP of Innovation, a position he held until 2014 when he retired from the company. He currently participates in the Boards of various NGOs, including the Carvajal Foundation and, together with Manuel Ramiro Muñoz, one of the promoters of Grupo Calima.


Main Stage: Assessing Your Real Governance Needs Speaker

What should your board be focused on, and why?  Panelists will discuss how to consistently and objectively assess the needs of the company, and adjust board composition and the board agenda accordingly.

Please note: You can ask questions anytime during the presentation using the Q&A box. Questions will appear as “waiting for review.” We will get to as many questions as possible. 

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